While the majority of we will have to attend a month in order to obtain our hands on the new device, some bloggers and reporter fortunate of technology already have had a probability to control it outside. Up to now, they seem appreciate them…
In fact, in the reading of the many of the relationships approximately the new one it ignites, has found to I difficult to find it some thing didn' t the gradice approximately.
This generation of Kindle, like also the point of lower prices. " Various of precedence it Kindle, the $139 ' It Kindle Wi-Fi' a net of the cellular one will be connected to the Internet only using Wi-Fi rather than, " thus noticing that $139 are the " yet" of lower prices; for un' ignition. But the new model is clearly more little one and more polish and the screen definitively cracks a little more… letters appears a darker little one and… a po' sharper."
It's Cheaper
It's Smaller and Lighter
It's Faster
It has more memory and software features
It Lasts Longer
Two Color Choices
Original this resource : Kindle $139 - 6 Things to Love
See more like this: Kindle $139 pre-order
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Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation